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Should You Get Life Insurance With No Medical Exam?

5 Ways to Protect Yourself in 2022

Nobody expected 2

020. And 2021? Yeah. Not much better. So who knows what 2022 will bring. Extreme extreme weather? More pandemics? Inflation that blows up the budget? Zombie hornets? (At this point, we wouldn’t be surprised.)

No matter what 2022 brings, there is are things you can do to set yourself up for success. Here are five easy ways to protect your future and your finances.

1. Car insurance: are you underinsured?

If you have a car accident, are you sure your auto insurance would cover you? Many people opt for the minimum requirements of their state. In other words, bare bones. But this is a big mistake. Call us old fashioned, but we think your car insurance should actually, you know, cover you. State minimums generally do not provide sufficient coverage.

Work with an independent insurance agent to ensure you have the right amount of collision, property and casualty coverage. And who knows? You might even find that you are pay too much for things you don’t need that could save you money.

2. Home (or tenants) insurance: find your sweet spot.

Just like car insurance, your home insurance should also cover you if your home has been damaged or destroyed. Many people don’t really understand how much home insurance they need. A single example is the damage caused by flooding. Most standard home insurance policies do not cover it. So if you live in a flood zone, you will need flood insurance.

Do you have the right insurance coverage? You could save hundreds! Contact an insurance professional today!

Don’t roll the dice when it comes to your biggest investment: your home. Make sure your home insurance covers whatever life throws at you.

And if you’re a tenant, tenant insurance is a no-brainer. It is advantageous to replace your goods if they are lost, stolen or damaged. Besides, it’s not expensive.

3. Health insurance: It pays to shop around.

Health insurance is complicated and expensive. But it’s still very important to get it right. Medical expenses are one of the leading causes of bankruptcies in the United States. And health insurance plans offered by your employer are sometimes not your best option.

An independent insurance agent can shop for you to find the best value.

4. Term life insurance: Protect what matters most.

We’ll just come out and say it. If you don’t have life insurance, you and your family are at risk. If you have people in your life who depend on your income, term life insurance is a very affordable way to add a solid layer of protection. (It’s called term because it lasts for a while before it expires.)

A good rule of thumb is to have at least 10 to 12 times your annual income. So if you earn $60,000 a year, you will get a policy with a payout of at least $600,000.

Do yourself (and your family) a favor and start the new year with a new policy.

5. Identity Theft Protection: Don’t let the bad guys win.

Let’s face it. It’s a dangerous world out there. And the bad guys aren’t just lurking in back alleys or in Hollywood movies. They are real, they have computers and steal people’s identities.

Identity theft protection is a great way to protect your time and money in the event of identity theft. Identity theft protection helps put things back together so you can get your name back and get on with your life.

Protect yourself in 2022

As January approaches, there’s no better time to put in extra layers of protection. Think about how good you’ll feel when you check these things off your list at the start of the year.

And as the old saying goes, An ounce of prevention is better than cure. By just spending a little time now to get these five things in place, you’ll be ready when Murphy strikes.
