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Should You Get Life Insurance With No Medical Exam?

What Is an Insurance Coverage Checkup?


When it comes to winning with money, it’s easy to figure out some of the basics like saving more, cutting up those credit cards, investing in mutual funds. These are all key elements of your offensive strategy as you work those small steps. But what about defense?

While it’s not as fun to talk about defensive strategies like life insurance or writing a will, they’re just as important.

Our insurance coverage check will help you put together a solid defensive game plan to protect everything you’ve worked for.

What is insurance coverage verification?

Our insurance coverage check is a free tool that tells you if you have the right coverages based on your individual needs. After answering a few simple questions, you’ll get personalized results that will help take your insurance game to the next level.

Do you have the right insurance coverage? You could save hundreds! Contact an insurance professional today!

For example, if you don’t have life insurance, we’ll report it in your results as a action item. And if you don’t get it within 30 days of the exam, your results will self-destruct. Actually no. It’s not true. But you still need life insurance as soon as possible to protect your income and your family’s future. So spoiler alert: this is going to be at the top of your list!

Our insurance coverage check also reveals what you do not do need – so you can stop lining the pockets of insurance companies and keep more of that hard-earned cash in your own poached. The Insurance Coverage Report even answers questions you might not even have thought to ask. (But sorry, it won’t help you with things like, What is the meaning of life?)

Types of Covers We Check

The Insurance Coverage Check provides you with a personalized checklist so you can know exactly what you need to do to protect your family, property, finances and more.

Here are the types of coverage we’ll be asking you about:

  • Term life insurance
  • Home or Tenants Insurance
  • Car insurance
  • Health insurance
  • Long term care insurance
  • Will be
  • Umbrella insurance
  • Disability insurance
  • Identity theft protection

Once you take the quiz, we’ll even rank your coverage list by importance, email it to you, and help you connect with RamseyTrusted insurance providers so you can put your plan in place. . quick.

Protect yourself with the right coverage

Paying off debt is smart. Saving and investing is smart. But there is an overlooked key to winning with money. It is protect your finances in an emergency. But with all that life throws at us, it can be hard to slow down long enough to deal with these things.

Don’t let an emergency sneak up on you. Protect what matters most by finding the covers you need. Get your personalized results in just five minutes by completing the insurance coverage checkup today!
